Last evening was one of those nights. Jerry made us a fantastic supper while I was downstairs fiddling around with technology. Okay, I was goofing around on Pinterest, but you knew that, didn't you?
After eating, I did a quick kitchen clean up. Jerry can cook with minimal mess. It's part of his mystique. Whereas I routinely use every pot, pan and utensil at my disposal, he seems to be able to whip up a gourmet meal using only a salad fork and a toothpick. It's actually a pleasure to wash dishes after he's cooked because there aren't many so progress is rapid. That's a plus when you have the limited attention span that I do.
But lest you think my husband is always a godsend in the kitchen, let me set the record straight. During the night, I wandered out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. That's when I noticed a greasy skillet on top of the refrigerator.
I'll never understand the male mind.