Germs are the zucchini of the pre-school set. There is always a bumper crop of 'em and kids give them freely to everyone they see - and there's still plenty left over at home. We have two pre-schoolers in our extended family. Enough said.
Sunday we visited the Grands. Grayson had been barfing earlier in the day, but he's a one-and-a-half year old; they barf all the time. We really didn't pay any attention to it. He rallied just as we arrived and he seemed fine. Later, while Jerry was holding him, he let loose again and blew chunks all over his Grampy. Ewwww!!! (I get nauseated when I think of it. That's just who I am.)
The next evening, a friend from Michigan and her little girl were visiting our daughter's family. We all met at a local pizza place and enjoyed catching up. Brody, who was sitting on Grampy's lap, looked glassy eyed.
Sure enough, during the night he, too, threw up. So did his father. Jerry spent a sleepless night himself, but vomiting was not his problem.
Tuesday morning Jerry texted me to tell me he'd just hurled in a customer's parking lot. Being a guy, he did not come home immediately. He said he felt better (remember Grayson's rallying?) and decided to power through the day. Although he made a heroic effort, he was halfway through a meeting when he had to excuse himself and make a hasty exit.
He dragged in around three p.m. and as he opened the garage door he yelled at me to vacate the area, which I was happy to do - but not before I saw he was carrying a black bucket. Later though, I did notice that our bathroom smelled heavily of bleach.
Jerry spent the night praying to the porcelain god while I slept on the couch. "You've already been exposed to these germs," he said. I agreed that we'd already been introduced, but I didn't feel the need to become intimately acquainted with them.
The next morning, Jessica called and said her friend was "lying on my laundry room floor."
It was a solid twenty-four hour bug and everyone is recovering nicely.
Me? I never caught it, but I was sick all week.
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