Our realtor stepped in, shook her head, laughed to herself and turned to leave. "No, no!" I exclaimed. "This is IT!" She thought I was joking.
The price was right, the damage mostly cosmetic, and Jerry is a genius with drywall mud. He is also a man who loves a project. Perfect. Soon our house was all spiffed up and the offensive carpet had gone to its final resting place. All was well.
The basement family room must have been the site of one heck of a birthday bash because well-wishers -- or kindergartners -- had drawn their felicitations directly on the wall. They used various media: crayons, pencils, pens, chalk and, worst of all, Sharpie markers. Turns out Sharpies really are permanent.
First, Jerry applied two coats of Kilz, a primer that we've had success with in the past. Then, he painted two coats of color on top. Just to be safe, he added a third. Now all was well.
A couple of months later, I sat down to play my piano and the (bad) sketch of a guy holding a birthday present had materialized on my wall. I slid a picture in front of it. Moving a piano, even a small studio like mine, is not on my list of fun things to do. It weights roughly the same as the entire student body of a AAA high school added all together. I try to avoid moving heavy objects whenever possible.
When Jerry discovered the artwork, the piano was moved and two more coats of primer followed by two more layers of paint were applied. All was well.
Image after four layers of primer and five coats of paint |
Last week, five full summers later, the birthday guest with present in hand appeared, yet again, above my piano. This time Jerry had had enough. He ripped out the entire wall and replaced it with brand new drywall. Just to be safe, he painted the wall a darker color.
Now if that sucker reappears, we'll be able to charge admission. Everyone will want to see it.
All is truly well.

Perhaps you were also supposed to have many happy birthdays!
That's a great way to think of it!
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