Getting the proper paperwork and actually boarding was a drama, but the plane ride itself was big fun. I, being practically a midget, am the perfect person to sit in the middle seat. I need zero leg room and if I want to stand up, I won't even hit my head. The six-foot guy next to me was a bit more cramped, but at least he had the aisle sea. He can actually look into the overhead bins though, I'll give him that. I can't even reach them.
I couldn't have chosen more interesting seatmates. He was a retired Army officer whose job translated well into the civilian world. She was a nurse who took time out to raise her kids. He regaled us with tales of his world travels, best and worst. (Winner: Germany. Loser: Texarkana.) She told us about her upcoming ten-day motorcycle trip through the Dakotas. (Now, I know it costs eleven bucks to ship something as light as a feather from South Carolina to California, so I can only imagine what the price tag is to ship your motorcycle from Florida to North Dakota. $$$$ ...)
Toward the end of the flight, the stewardess came on the intercom and said she had a surprise for us. How exciting! I just knew she was going to burst out into song and the Army man beside me was hoping for a lingerie show. We both were let-down when we realized that we were merely a captive audience, trapped in an infomercial for a branded credit card. If we sign up today, right now. we could earn -- after only one purchase of a pack of gum -- a free round-trip ticket. I was sorely tempted. Thank God I don't chew gum.
It's great to be home.
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